General Store Information

What are your store’s opening hours?

Our store is open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Saturday, and 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Sunday.

Where are you located?

We are located at 64-65 Norwich Livestock Market, Hall Road, Norwich, NR4 6EQ.

Do you have a physical store or is it online-only?

We offer both options! You can visit our physical store at 64-65 Norwich Livestock Market, Hall Road, Norwich, NR4 6EQ, or shop through our online store.

How can I contact customer support?

You can contact our customer support team by emailing us at or calling 07383 722 498.

Product Information

How do I find the right product for my needs?

We offer detailed product descriptions and customer reviews to help you make informed decisions. You can also contact our customer service team for personalized recommendations.

Do you offer custom or made-to-order items?

Yes, we offer custom and made-to-order options for select items. Please contact us for more details.

What should I do if the item I want is out of stock?

If an item is out of stock contact us directly for more information.

Are your products available for international shipping?

Currently, we only offer shipping within the UK, but we are working on expanding to international shipping soon.

What materials are your products made of?

Our products are made from high-quality, sustainable materials. Each product page provides detailed information about the materials used.

Ordering and Payment

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Klarna, Clearpay, and Google Pay.

Is it safe to use my credit card on your website?

Yes, our website is secured with SSL encryption to protect your personal and payment information.

Can I change or cancel my order once it’s been placed?

You can change or cancel your order if it hasn’t been processed for shipping. Please contact us as soon as possible to request changes.

What should I do if I encounter an issue during checkout?

If you encounter any issues during checkout, please contact our customer service team immediately for assistance.

Do you offer financing or installment payment options?

Yes, we offer financing options through Snap Finance, Klarna and Clearpay. You can select these options at checkout.

Shipping and Delivery

What is your shipping policy?

We offer local delivery within 60 miles and direct home delivery for areas outside this range. Shipping is done via a white glove service.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Delivery times vary based on your location and product availability. We will provide an estimated delivery date when you place your order.

What are the shipping fees?

Shipping fees are calculated based on your location. Local deliveries are charged at £1.50 per mile, while other locations may vary.

Can I track my order?

Our customer care team will be constantly in touch with you regarding any changes and updates to your order. On the day of delivery you will receive sms messages with our teams location and estimated times of delivery

Do you offer local delivery services?

Yes, we offer local delivery every Wednesday within a 3-4 hour timeframe of your choosing.

What should I do if my item is damaged during shipping?

Please contact us immediately if your item arrives damaged, and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

Do you offer same-day or expedited shipping?

At this time, we do not offer same-day or expedited shipping, but we are working on adding more options soon.

Will I be notified when my order is out for delivery?

Yes, we will notify you via text message on the day of delivery with an estimated time of arrival.

Returns and Exchanges

What is your return policy?

We accept returns within 30 days of delivery, provided the items are in their original condition.

How do I return an item?

To return an item, please contact our customer service team for instructions and a return shipping label. Make sure the item is securely packaged for transit.

Can I exchange an item instead of returning it?

Yes, you can exchange an item for another, provided it is in stock and the original item is in its original condition. Please contact us to arrange an exchange.

How long does it take to process a return?

Once we receive the returned item, it usually takes 5-7 business days to process the return and issue a refund or exchange.

Are there any items that cannot be returned?

Certain custom-made or clearance items may not be eligible for returns. Please check the product page or contact us for specific return policies on these items.

Do I have to pay for return shipping?

Return shipping fees may apply depending on the reason for the return. If the item was defective or damaged, we will cover the shipping costs.

Account Information

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you can place an order as a guest. However, creating an account allows you to track your orders and save your details for future purchases.

How do I create an account?

To create an account, click the head icon at the top right of our website and fill out the required information.

What should I do if I forgot my password?

If you forget your password, click the “Forgot Password” link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset it.

How can I update my account details?

You can update your account information by logging in and visiting the “My Account” section on our website.

Can I see my past orders and order history?

Yes, once logged in, you can view your order history in the “My Orders” section of your account.

Other Questions

Do you offer assembly or installation services?

Yes, we offer white glove delivery service, which includes assembly and installation of your items.

What should I do if I receive the wrong item?

If you receive the wrong item, please contact us immediately, and we will arrange for a replacement or refund.

How do I care for and maintain the products I purchase?

We provide care instructions for each product on the product page. Feel free to contact us if you have specific maintenance questions.

Do you offer a warranty on your products?

Yes, all our products come with a standard warranty. Specific warranty information can be found on the product pages.

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